Whilst this isn’t strictly a review, there are review like elements in it. :)

I had this idea years ago to create a travel show on how to get better images and videos with your smart phone and to prove it, we would shoot it all on iPhones.

I finally got off my rear end and shot a pilot for it at the start of 2020. Perhaps not the best time to be pitching a travel show, but oh well. Pilot turned out great! :)

Below are links to the pilot itself as well as a series of clips I shot talking about how we did it.


This was shot as a concept for a series I am working on. If you'd like to know more about how and why it was shot you can see a series of videos I made about...

This is an introduction to how and why I made "The camera you have with you". Which is a pilot for a series that I was going to produce this year. Hopefully ...

In his video I take you through some of the camera challenges we faced in shooting an entire show on iPhones and how we overcame them. To watch the video I a...

In his video I take you through some of the audio challenges we faced in shooting an entire show on iPhones and how we overcame them. To watch the video I am...
